Secondary School

Secondary School comprehends 7th through 12th grade. Students are motivated to grow in academic excellence by fostering an environment where they are challenged to reason and critically think through the different subject matters.

Furthermore, leadership skills are developed and enhanced through the different activities that are carried out. Students are motivated to commit to Christ and His Word by cultivating a personal relationship with Him and by helping others to know Him as well.

Secondary Highlights

Graphic Design – Students from 9th – 12th take Graphic Design in order to help them manage programs such as Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop that could prove useful in their future life.

Leadership classes – Students in Upper Secondary School have a weekly opportunity to talk and meditate about principles of leadership that contribute to their character formation.

Elective Classes -Students are offered STEAMIE, Tech Tools, Interior Design, Nutrition, Soccer, Music, Art, Lettering, and Fit Student.

Salidas Optativas (10th – 12th) – MECS offers their students two of the optional courses mandated by the Ministry of Education, to be taken in their last three years of their Secondary School program. The course of “Lenguas Modernas y Humanidades” seeks to strengthen students’ communication skills by encouraging their ability to analyze and think critically about information presented to them in different types of texts. It also seeks to foster an appreciation for literature both in English and in Spanish. “Matemática y Tecnología” delves deeper into the areas of financial math, statistics, probability, trigonometry, and differential calculus through the integration of different software.

Internship Program – Senior students are offered the opportunity to spend a week in a professional environment of the career they are planning to study. This allows them to get first-hand experience that will help them confirm the important decision of choosing the degree they want to pursue in college.