Student Support Services

At MECS our purpose is to support the academic and personal progress of our students through several services:
Psychology Department
It supports students, families and teachers in order to promote the academic, vocational, social and emotional development of the student.
Learning Assistance Program (LEAP)
It is a program that conducts psycho pedagogical interventions and works on the leveling of the English language with the students referred by the Coordination, with the objective of enhancing their academic skills.
Nurse Office
This department offer medical assistance and illness prevention programs to control any student and/or staff outbreak in school premises. A record of each student’s health is kept as a necessary, an important tool to use in case of unexpected medical situations. If deemed necessary, the school nurse will administer to students, specific medications authorized by the parents, at the beginning of the school year in the medical form. In case a student needs to be medicated, and the medicine is not included in the student’s health document, it will only be administered if accompanied by a doctor’s prescription.